Aida Youth Centre providing community support

Loading backpacks for children.

This is the latest message from our friends in the Aida Youth Centre.  We have supported them financially for several years. 

“We distributed meat packages since many families cannot afford meat, and we gave out school bags filled with all the school essentials to all children whose parents cannot afford school supplies. We distributed those not only in Aida camp, but also in Azza camp and other underserved areas where there are no organisations like AYC to support people in need, such as the villages close to us in area C and Bedouin communities. Going beyond the confines of the camp isn’t just important for giving people the essentials that they need and fostering a sense of community among Palestinians (which the occupation is trying to break), but we find that it is also important for people here to feel like they are not just the recipients of aid, but also the providers.”

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